Saturday, October 3, 2009

Emotion: An afterthought

While I was sitting doing one of my countless assignments, I contemplated as to how one's mind can actually accomodate so much emotion at one given nanosecond of life. The answer may be simple, that a human brain has a massive capacity.

However, on pondering, I think there's a lot more to that one said sentence than meets the eye. For example people's capacity for hatred is quite amazing if you think about it... someone can be totally happy and whatnot in the eyes of people they are comfortable around....
                     ........... then SUDDENLY -person appears-

.... one microsecond passes of sheer brainpower contemplationness...............

                                     BAM!!!!!! -uber hatred- "The day has suddenly got worse because of them"... etc

You get the point, it's absolutely amazing how it's done. Being as I am, I can safely say I've never experienced such utter hatred for anyone at any given time, at most just temporary annoyance... Therefore, I'm amazed at how the emotion of hatred is come across and how other people around percieve it.
     Now, for one, I've noticed quite obviously that if someone insta-hates another person, then people around automatically take sides, unless they're on the side of NEUTRALITY (had to get that one in there didn't I dude who likes green so much =D). All this, in itself, divides people who could all easily get along with each other in a blink of an eye. I would go into detail about the difference in subcultures, war, and political views.. but I'm tired of repeating myself from my Sociology lessons and quite frankly the information is looking at us both in society (in general), and in my sociology text book xD.

One thing I have experienced, however, and plays an enourmous part of one's life at times... is love -spits-...

Now, I honestly don't mind the type of love that friends share, or family love that stops cohabiting humans of the same blood pool from tearing each other apart out of frustration with one another. All that love is fine, in fact, I make sure I love all of my closest friends and family in order to be there for them when they need my help, guidance, hugs.. etc... -no more elaboration cos you get the point xD-
        I am, however, talking about the intensely powerful emotion you are able to experience towards specific people either of same or opposite sex. Again, sometimes it only takes a nanosecond of contemplation to realise that one is in love with someone else in that way. My God I can definately say I have experience on that one x-x...
         One thing I am growing annoyed of since my sudden hatred of the whole 'love' concept, is people saying " I love you/her/him" when they've ONLY BEEN GOING OUT FOR A WEEK O_O
         Seriously though, 'love at first sight' only occurs if you actually know the person and about the person and stuff. That realisation, I'm sure would be common sense, sadly, not many people have common sense these days -.-'...
         And just to warn, these "I love you (when I really don't know what love is)" people are not worth one's time until they've actually been truely in love. I am single because of one such person so please heed my lovely call and only tell people you love em if you actually do so ^.^' -experienced yet unbiased opinion of utter common sense-

So concludes my weird ponderings (well, as much as I can be bothered to write, and of course remember xD)

Until next time, -waves-

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