Monday, November 2, 2009

Maturity: All sizes great and small ^-^'

Hmm.... don't we all love how lessons trigger random thoughts.

Well... dunno about anyone else's, but taking all social sciences for lessons really does trigger random stuff which lingers in your brain for ages and ages and ages until there's nothing you can do but either talk about it, to either random people, or ones self. (Yes, I enjoy talking to myself, just like my mum does ^^ (it's a family thing)).

Well, what an interesting journey this year has been. I personally find this time of year to be dull and boring because NOTHING EVER HAPPENS PAST NOVEMBER UNTIL CHRISTMAS ITS ALL A MASSIVE BLURRY MESS =D.

Well.. at least I know this time last year was a blurry mess.. I remember little of it because it was so dull, mundane, and blurry to the max, plus, I was depressed... really depressed. No point into going into detail because it lasted for too drove me to dark places, dark colours, dark lifestyle...then it got worse and worse and worse and there was added stress of my epic ICT double course which crippled my social life so badly I couldn't seriously keep contact with those from the high school whom I knew and loved, which was a very sad thought to know... then as the darker winter months carried on I watched in sadness how friendships and relationships crumbled to dust in the winter blues :( .


..........and then, roughly early march, this light, at the time, came flashing into my life at lightening speed... it took away all of my depressive state, and for the first time in a long time, i could live without issues, suddenly my work load wasn't as crippling too and everything looked up. New friends were made, an epic surrogate brother was found who understands me more than most people, and best of all, my bestie in the whole wide world was available to talk to and back in my life, which was a brilliant feeling. Over those happy many months, my former personality came back... which had been gone for a long while. While I missed that light a large amount, it was bearable because of the awesome friends I had..

Essentially, out with the old (bar the odd exception), and In with the NEW!  (July I actually started wearing my beautiful skirts of prettyness and walked around the beautiful city centre of Norwich and felt like a girl for once lol)

Obviously,  The relationship equivalent of the Wall Street Crash happened here and as I became the Wall Gremlin, EVERYONE split up, including myself and my monkey, which was depressing at the time, hence the donward spirals started rather funnily. I broke my pact to wear a beautiful skirt of prettyness on the first day of term as my self esteem at the time was dead and gone, and I felt like the ugly runt computer geek I saw myself as throughout the beautiful year of year 10 (spits).

Gradually, what my monkey showed me has come to light, The Gremlin has matured considerably during this year, not really physically (Yes, i know I'm small >.>) but mentally, yes. The love and affection provided by my EPICBESTIEGFOFALLTIME, my EPICBESTIEFRIENDWHOSAGUYOFALLTIME, my Wifey, and (who could forget) my boyfriend-who-i've-been-friends-with-for-two-years-now-so-it-was-gonna-happen-sometime, has made them my extended family, and brought me out of my depression in which I hated, back to my year 6 self but matured, and shown a new version of myself full of colour, hope, and life (My name means 'life').

I thank them all for keeping me spirited and full of life. I wish there was ever some way they could all realise how much I owe them all ^-^'' .....

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